My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A couple of highs and a few lows

So let's get the crappy stuff out of the way first...

Last week was really, really tough for Superman. There was little support due to Passover and he had been regressing. There was miscommunications between staff members and then there was two holidays due to Easter so he was home for the week.

We had our follow up appt with the Dev Ped which was such good timing. Superman had been having strange episodes last Tues and Wed and we realize now that he may be having a type of seizure. So the Dev Ped suggested he get some bloodwork done and an EKG. We're going to have it done at Sick Kids Hospital because they're used to dealing with kids with special needs.

I think the week off actually did him good. We spent some time as a family touring around Niagara Falls. He had a boys day with Daddy on Saturday. We spent Easter with my Mother in law and the rest of the family and he played with his cousin. Yesterday we just kicked back and didn't stress.

The good news is this...

Today he went back to school and was relaxed and focused. We've had two more incidents of possible seizures. One of Friday and one yesterday so I'm trying to take that in stride.

Spencer's Dream Team is kicking butt in the fundraising sector! Our total is $6760 and climbing! That is so exciting. Today I got an email from the Executive Director of Autism Speaks (the organization we're fundraising for) and she was so impressed with our fundraising that she offered us 4 tickets to the production of Lucy. It's about a mother who's 12 year old autistic daughter comes to live with her after being raised by her father and it shows the challenges and lessons that come to light when raising an autistic child. I'm very excited. So I'll be going with three of my team members. It felt so good to be recognized. I felt like all the years of speaking, researching, educating and mentoring were awknowledged.

Tomorrow is Superman's IPRC meeting so I'm expecting it to be relatively painless.


Blogger Terri Burges Hirning said...

I am so sorry it was a tough one. I sure hope they figure out what is going on. But, that is SO great that you are doing so well in the fundraising. CONGRATS!

3:54 PM  

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