My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Camp Days 8 & 9

Camp Day #8 ~

~ Both swims went really well. He's trying so hard!
~ Went to arts and crafts and cooperated and listened extremely well.
~ At Hobby Hubs J (his 1:1) taught him some boondoogle which he really liked.
~ He also did gymnastics and karate.

Camp Day #9 ~

~ Another really great day!
~ Went to canoe for two periods and he was catching frogs in the paddleboats
~ Two great swims
~ Watched the senior play
~ Did archery and Superman came *this* close to hitting the bullseye!!! He scored 11 points in total which helped the Interboys beat the Intergirls with a score of 126 to 125!! He's quite proud that they beat the girls. ;)

Had a great chat with Sari (she runs the camp...she's also an OT) today about how awesome Superman has been. She said that you can tell what a difference the medication has made for him. She has stuck by us for the last three years and has seen the worst of the worst and has always been compassionate and supportive. To see the huge change between last year and this year has been amazing for both of us. She said that she always knew that the behaviours he expressed were not "choice" behaviours and that's why they've always loved him. The medicine takes the anxiety down so that he can be his true self and everyone there can see the boy they always knew he was. That meant a lot to me. Oh, and I promised her I would enroll early this year since Mr. S had to pull strings to get us in there since we registered late. LOL Plus, I committed to doing camper in training with ladybug since now I know I don't have to be on call with Superman.

In other domestic news ~ Ladybug and I spent the first half hour of our day curled up in her bed reading books. After breakfast we baked muffins and then got dressed up to pick up Daddy at work and take him out for lunch.

Here's wishing a Happy Anniversary to my sweetie today.


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