My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Daycamp has begun!

I am bursting at the seams at how awesome Superman's camp is. I got a call at noon yesterday and as soon as I saw the camp name pop up on spy phone, I felt ill (too many "come get your son" moments during the school year ) and the girl says "Hi, I'm so and so. Don't worry, everything is great!" Love them for saying that! LOL But she's an OT student working with the camp director who is also an OT and they're running a social skills class and Superman's counsellor said he would be a good candidate so they wanted my permission to add him. OF COURSE!!!! So he gets a period of SS every day for 4 weeks. No extra cost. Woohoo!

Then I got a call at 4pm. Again, I feel ill and it's the director so I felt even more ill because I know that she makes the tough calls. But she says "Hey , it's X andeverythingisfine." She rambled it off so fast because she kNEW I would be freaking. So I laughed and she said that she had a meeting with Superman's counsellor team and they feel that he needs more TLC than his peers so they pulled another counsellor in, Michael, and he's there for 1:1 support. Added charge, but she's only charging me 50% of the monthly fee. Awesome!!!

They gave him a fannypack that he wears with a daily schedule so he knows what to expect and when. They have a communication book so he can cross off all the activities he does, as well as who he hung out with, his favourite thing of the day, something that made him angry or frustrated, and a notes section from the counsellor. Then we respond back with what he did when he got home from camp, what he did after dinner, how well he slept and a notes section from me.

They've always said they were an "all inclusive" camp, but now I believe it. They are SO proactive! Superman said he only had one meltdown and it was in the pool because he didn't know the bell was going to ring (meaning time to get out) and he didn't want to leave. Yanno his sensory issues with water? He actually went UNDERWATER yesterday!!!! I cried when he told me. they got him a pair of goggles because he hates the feeling of water in his eyes and now he's flourishing.

I just am a mess of happiness and tears watching him love life so much right now. All of last week was awful, so many meltdowns, a few rages and I seriously wondered how we were going to make it through. I'm cautiously optimistic about camp. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I hope that it just keeps getting better from here. I think with the 1:1 support, he stands a better chance of succeeding.

Today it was 40 degrees out with the humidex so he had more meltdowns than usual which isn't a surprise. He had moments of frustrations but when he told me about them at home, all could be explained. I just don't think he explains them to his counsellor. For instance, he refused to get changed after swim and M (his counsellor) had to chase him across camp. Superman told me it was because he doesn't want the other kids to see him getting changed which I understood but if someone held up a towel for him to get changed, he would be fine. So I relayed that back to M in the communication book.

He also flipped out in the pool because they wanted him to go underwater without using his goggles or plugging his nose. He flipped, but you know what...he tried it and he DID it!!!!! I was so thrilled because he's pushing his own boundaries.


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