My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Friday, June 30, 2006

School is done so bring on the summer fun!

We did it! We survived the school year and that was a huge accomplishment for all of us. I need a break from dealing with the school. I'm tired of the red tape and the politics. They got in the last jab with the way they chose to handle his report card. He had to go part time due to no available EA's to support him in the afternoon but they also counted those afternoons as absences so on his school record it says he missed 68.5 days since March. Makes me so angry.

A lot of the focus was put on what he did not do versus what he did and we all know that he was not able to function without an EA which didn't come into place until the middle of March. Of course that happened because I pushed for it, yet the school chose to write that it had to happen because of safety concerns, and they put it into place. Amazing how they twist the words.

I feel everyone did as well as they could given the circumstances we were in, but I would have appreciated them awknowledging how hard Superman tried. He got none of that. So I responded to their comments and that will be placed in his permanent student record.

So now we're on to the fun stuff! It's so great to have him home! To know that *I* am in control of his day and therefore he can breathe and relax. I love spending summers with him. His little sister couldn't possibly be more excited to have him home to play with.

I was so proud of him today. We had to run some errands and we tried to make it to the mall right when it opened because it's not as crowded, not as noisy. We had plans to let him pick out a new toy at the Disney Store. I was shocked to walk in and see it crawling with people. Obviously I missed the memo that said that all clothing was an extra 50% off. ACK! But we had committed and to back out now would have caused a massive meltdown. So for the first 15 mins he did great. But then, as people started to fill the place, and it got more crowded, more noisy, people bumping or pushing him, he started to lose it. We sat in the middle of the floor while I talked him down and eventually got him out. I asked him how it feels when he's in a place that's busy, loud and crowded. He said "a little bit angry, and little bit sick, a little bit scared, and a little bit happy."

But the rest of the time was great! We hit the mall, went to Shoppers, Mastermind, and then dropped off his report card response form at the school before heading home.

We got an AquaPlay toy. It's a water toy...built like a canal with bridges, gates, cranes etc so he can block water, release it, make deliveries etc. Plus it folds up so he can bring it to the cottage next week. I'm trying to find some outdoor toys or things that don't require batteries to help keep him engaged.

So we made it through the school year and now I feel like we can finally breathe. I spoke with his teacher today and I'll keep up with his math, reading and writing to help him out for the new year (but I'm certainly not going to beat him over the head with workbooks. The kid needs a break). She also mentioned she's leaving grade 2 and moving to grade 1. Will be interesting to see what happens next year.


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