My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Maybe we're finally starting to settle down?

Superman has been home from school for 5 days and I think we're starting to head into easier territory. He seems to be settling more easily now that I have a predictable routine. I find that if we make time to run errands every morning (that's when both kids are at their best) then the rest of day goes more smoothly. The afternoon Ladybug has her 2 hr nap and Superman plays outside or plays with me. It works out well.

Tomorrow, my MIL is going to pick him up at noon and take him to the Science Centre, then back to her house for a sleepover. That will be a fabulous break for both of us because he feels safe with her and she's so good to him and for him. I seriously lucked out in the in-law department.

I haven't told him yet. If I tell him today, he'll have a hard time sleeping. Monday night it took 3 hours and several earth shattering meltdowns for him to calm down enough to stay in bed. Last night was great. He only got out once to come and find me before falling asleep. Then was up from 2-2:30am with anxiety.

I think we're finally managing to find our way through the maze of what is Superman, what is Autism and what is typical 7 year old behaviour. When it's all jumbled together, it's hard to tell which end is up. I think DH and Superman struggle more, than Superman and I do. DH has a demanding job and there are trust issues with Superman when it comes to people other than me in his life. But we're committed as a family to find a way to make it work, and so we will.

I signed up for the Autism Symposium in Toronto, in October. I'm so excited! To hear Anthony Atwood, Carol Gray and Temple Grandin speak all in a matter of days, is a dream come true. DH and my Mum will be coming with me. I can't wait!!


Blogger A proud granddaughter said...

Sweetie that is great progress! I know how hard the maze is to figure out and you continue to amaze me with your strength and kickass mom skills.

Big hugs.

8:52 AM  
Blogger Kris said...

I have REALLY enjoyed your blog. Your love for your son is so evident, it really makes me happy to read what you have to say. I remember age 7 as being kind of hard, but I want you to know that things improve greatly with time and maturity, and with a terrific mother like you (and a great mother-in-law, apparently) life gets incrementally better for your son. You seem to have a wonderful sense of humor, and if you can transfer some of that to your son, life will eventually be great.


7:22 PM  

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