My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A step in the right direction

I had a great chat with Superman's EA today. She's so great. I like how she takes her own initiative and plays around with different ideas to see what works and what doesn't. She started a communication book with him to help him identify his emotions and also to lay out his day so he can cross off all of his accomplishments. It makes it so much easier for him to see everything he's done in a day and to see how well he's doing.

This is such a great step forward. We really have to work on the biting issue though. I don't have any problems with it at home, but his EA is having issues with it at school, especially when he's overwhelmed.

It's common among Autistic kids but it's something that has to be figured out. If you can tap into the source of anxiety and help give them words to their emotions (something Autistic kids really struggle with) then you give them a tool for life. There is so much that we, as fully functioning adults/kids, take for granted that is a struggle for little ones like Superman.


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