My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Friday, November 03, 2006

We're waiting for the next step

We've had a busy week around here. On Monday night, I have a long talk with my cousin A who is a well known dev ped and she has been such a huge support and wealth of info. I like to bounce ideas off of her and gather info.

We talked a lot about where things are with Superman right now and where we need to head next. She was so great about advocating for me with the new dev ped that I want to see. She called him up and he said he would be happy to consult. His wait list is quite extensive so I'm lucky to have someone to help me get my foot in the door. After she spoke with him, I went back to our GP to get another referral, this time for the dev ped and she was great about it. Not an issue at all.

We're going to start Superman on puffers for his possible asthma. He would find the testing too stressful to go through so this way we can see if it makes the coughing disappear (if it does, it's asthma) and if it doesn't, it's probably a tic.

We're at a crisis point with the number and the height of Superman's meltdowns. When it comes to his anxiety, his score from 0 to 100, sits at a 60 and it takes very little for him to jump to 100. When he gets frustrated, his window of opportunity to problem solve before a complete meltdown is between 15-30 seconds.

He's not integrated with anyone at school right now. He attends from 1-3:30pm and is one on one with his EA. I spoke his Mr. S last week and he said the morning EA should be starting in another week to a week and a half. THen it will take Mr. S a few weeks to train him/her before Superman goes back to attending full time.

I've spent the last two days over at the neighbours house doing a bit of babysitting. Superman and Ladybug loved it! They have two daughters, ages 4 and 7 and they are simply the most fabulous little girls I've ever met. So loving and funny and accepting.

A, their oldest is very nuturing towards Superman and tries to understand where he's coming from and why he does what he does. He decided to turn their basement into "kidland" and was referring to different parts of the basement as different areas (one area was the head office, the other, with the tv, was the theatre etc) so A would refer to the different parts of the basement in the same way. And if she forgot which area was what, she would ask and then correct herself. She's so patient and tolerant. It's a huge testament to her parents. And sweet little R, their youngest is a little bundle of vim and vinegar. Today she told me she was at the doctor yesterday because she had to get a "shoot" in her arm. LOL!!! So adorable.

I feel blessed to have them as friends because they're very accepting of Superman and his quirks and strive to learn as much as they can.


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