My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Monday, September 18, 2006

Day one is done!

We survived day one at Superman's new school. Phew. He was so excited about going back to school and I had every confidence that he would be in good hands, and I wasn't disappointed.

His day was a mixed bag. Highs and lows but that's to be expected. He had a big meltdown in gym but that wasn't surprising. Gym class has always been one of his hardest times of days. His teacher handled them very effectively (according to Superman who, even though he had to be restrained, thinks the best part of his day is that Mr. S is an awesome teacher) so that speaks volumes!

He did well when he had to sit to do work. Right now it looks like he has to do 10 mins of work, then gets a 1 min break, then back to 10 mins of work etc. That went over very well with Superman who said he was working hard to get his 10 mins of work done so that he could get his 1 min of free time. ;)

I think that as a parent, there's always going to be a part of me that feels awful when he has a meltdown but I think I have to get myself used to the fact that that happens with little guys like Superman and especially when it involves a huge transistion. But eventually they will get further and farther between.

Another highlight to his day was when he ran into Mr. G in the hallway. Mr G used to be his gym teacher at his old school, but he transferred to Superman's current school to work in ESL. Funny meeting between the two of them.

So that is that. We made it through day one. I feel kind of weird. Today felt empty in a way because I'm so used to having him home for the majority of the day and I still haven't developed that thick skin that I need knowing that meltdowns still happen at school.

At least I know that when they DO happen, he's being well taken care of.


Blogger A proud granddaughter said...

This is great news!!! Superman is truly a super guy.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an awesome update.
Huge hugs to you and Superman!!
I'm keeping tabs and up to date... so glad you opened the blog.

Laura aka allsmiles!

10:42 PM  

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