My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Friday, September 07, 2007

First week of school

The first day of school got off to a fantastic start. Superman was thrilled to see Ms. D, his one to one EA. She's wonderful. She can get more out of him than anyone else at the school. The plan is to have Ms. D spend the majority of the day with Superman and then eventually wean him off of her and help him get used to working with other support people and eventually starting to integrate him slowy into his mainstream class.

Then day two hit. There's always a snag isn't there? Ms. D was sick so Superman had no choice but to work with two EA's he doesn't know and a new teacher he has some experience with,but not much. He held it together well!

Day three rolls around and Ms. D is still out. He holds it together for the entire day up until the last 10 mins. Then he unravelled. Climbing on things, baracading himself under the teachers desk. One of the teachers on duty told me he was in the clasroom melting so Ladybug and I headed up to check it out. As soon as he saw me, he relaxed. He told me he had to protect himself because he didn't feel safe.

After much discussion with him at home, I spent a good two hours crying off and on. So afraid that we would lose all of the progress that we had worked so hard for last year.

Thankfully today Ms. D was back and I had a very encouraging conversation with his teacher, Mr. M. Our top priority is to make sure that Superman is safe and feels safe. I have some concerns over one of the EA's that transferred in from another school. She has no patience for these boys, she seems completely disinterested in them and has a "my way or the highway" approach which will go over like a lead balloon. I would be surprised if she lasts the year.

So the plan is that he'll go to school full time for 3 days a week and part time for the other 2. It's going to be a slow progress but I am totally fine with. I just want to build on what we had and not lose what we gained.

Baby steps.


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