My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The day is halfway done

and I'm looking forward to bed already. Last night we had a brutal storm that seemed to loom out of nowhere. I had already put Ladybug down for the night and it was just Superman and I hanging out in the family room, watching a movie. Superman looked out the window and said "weird" I peeked out the blinds and we saw a storm from coming in and it was like the earth was suddenly covered in blackness. It went so dark so quickly, I walked outside to see if I could spot a funnel cloud. After spending 5 years in GA, you know the signs. It was windy and eerie out.

There was no way Superman was going to go to bed with such loud thunder and crazy lightening so he hunkered down in bed with me and we watched So You Think You Can Dance together before he passed out.

I decided to keep him home from camp today. He was exhausted after an emotional morning yesterday and then a late night. He woke up disregulated and tired. I figured at that point, it would be like setting him up for failure. So he's home. Right now he's happily playing, Ladybug is down for a nap and I'm working my way through a book called Parenting Your Asperger Child by Alan Sohn and Cathy Grayson. I'm only 40 pages into it, but it's a different perspective I haven't read yet. Not sure how much I agree or disagree with in terms of approach, but a lot of it makes sense and I'll draw my conclusion at the end.

I'm tired today. Definitely looking forward to going to bed. Superman has to go to the dentist tonight to have some work done. He's thrilled. He loves it there. LOL


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