My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's Thursday and my kids have not injured themselves

Which seems to be pretty impressive considering the past few days have brought with it a chipped tooth and a few bee stings. ;)

Superman is still at camp. They have an optional overnight tonight and since that would be a bit too much for him at this point, he's having an extended day. So he gets to stay for all of the fun stuff and then come home when everyone gets ready for bed.

It just occured to DH and I that we have no idea what time I'm supposed to go and pick him up. No one told me anything specific outside of "we'll arrange for you to pick him up as everyone is getting ready to go to their tents" which leads me to believe that they'll call? I hope so. Now I'm sitting here going from feeling relaxed to being nervous that I should have asked someone something and pinned down a specific time. Oh well. I'm sure it will sort itself out.

Had a great chat yesterday with the support staff at the camp. They're putting some fabulous strategies in place to help Superman out and yesterday he came home feeling much more settled and put together, so to speak. M, his counsellor wrote a glowing account of the day which made me cry, I was so happy. I'm so used to people focusing on what Superman is not capable of doing that it was such a gift to read about everything he excelled in. Including, no real meltdowns!! Woohoo!!

I have to say, M has a gift with kids. He cares so much about his job and about making things work for Superman and helping him go beyond his boundaries. I am so thankful that he is the one who is at Superman's side. Even better, Superman thinks he's the best! He raves about him.

Today was a good day for Ladybug and I. We went shopping in the Bloor West Village with a girlfriend of mine. Ladybug loved it! She was quite the hit in all of the stores we visited since she was sporting a small, but noticable, ponytail. ;)

So now I sit and wait for the call to pick up the little man. I hope no one was expecting me to be at camp by a certain time because if they are, no one told me about it! LOL


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