My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Monday, August 07, 2006

Today is as close to perfect

as I could possibly get. Spent some time in the morning at the park. The kids played hard. Superman showed me how he learned to use the swing. He's never been able to get his coordination in gear enough to pump his legs at the right time. It's such an odd mix considering his balance is incredible and he can ride a scooter with no problem and stand on top of a my pilates exercise ball and balance without holding to anything or anyone. Go figure.

Although he got touch of heat stroke on the way home so he promptly guzzled water and went right to bed to sleep. Ladybug and I had a nice lunch then I put her down for a nap. For 30 mins I managed to have both kids asleep at the same time. Heaven I tell you! My MIL called so we chatted.

We spent the afternoon in the backyard. The kids played in the kiddie pool, sprinkler, blew bubbles and goofed off. Now they're snacking on cheese and crackers. All in all a great day.

When you're submerged in stress and unpredictable behaviours, you learn to celebrate the little things that make you smile.


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