My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm back

I had to take a bit of a hiatus from writing. I was beginning to feel like I was only babbling about the negative stuff going on so I needed to take a step back and try to refocus.

Friday at camp was a mess for Superman. He got through the day, but had a lot of issues on the bus. So tomorrow I'm going to drive him in and pick him up. When I mentioned that to him tonight, I was surprised that he wasn't upset by the news. Usually, he loves the bus so much that he would rather be on that instead of having to drive with me. But he happily said okay and went to sleep. Maybe if he feels it's too stressful as well.

We had a fabulous weekend though. Saturday we hit a few rough patches in the morning (some hitting, kicking, biting, scratching etc) but I think that was more of a fallout from the day before. Still hard to deal with though.

But he got it out of his system rather quickly and the rest of the time was stellar. DH was with the kids while I went to get my hair done (I have to say, I'm liking the shorter do that I have now!) and he said they were great. So nice for them to have time with Daddy since he's been at work, more than he's been home for the last couple of months.

Today we had a family reunion to attend and DH and I were quite worried about how that would go over with Superman. Lots of people, noise, smells, sounds etc all in a small space. But, it turns out that they held the party outdoors (they have a huge yard) and he spent most of it in the pool! Fabulous!

I was SHOCKED to see him leap into the water with a wild abandon. He's been telling me everything he's been doing at his swimming lessons at camp but this is the first time that I've actually seen him do all of his tricks and I cried. Sommersaults under the water, front floats, back floats, push offs from the wall, jumping off the side of the pool. Wow. All of this from a kid who was terrified of getting water in his face just a few short weeks ago!

He also had a couple of cousins there that he only sees once or twice a year, but he played really well with them.

Ladybug had quite the blast in the pool as well. She's the polar opposite of her brother in that department. She's a water baby and was thrilled. She loved being passed around from one person to the next, playing with her cousins, dancing with her Aunts. She's a regular little party girl. We even caught her giving a smooch to her cousin, Carson who is a month younger than she is. So adorable. ;)

So I have high hopes that tomorrow will be easier for Superman if I bring him into camp myself. I would have pulled him if it wasn't for the fact that he loves it there. As hard as some days can be, he's still doing so well in so many areas. Karate, swimming lessons, archery, gymnastics and his new favourite thing, canoeing! In the end, I think it will all be worth it. This is his last week and I hope it ends on a good note.

Think good thoughts for us.


Blogger A proud granddaughter said...

Sounds like lots of good successes! ~hugs~

9:11 AM  

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