My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More ups and downs

Superman - The morning was great at camp, the afternoon was tough. I'm surprised he doesn't just crash when he gets home. It takes a lot of energy to try and filter everything that his brain has a hard time making sense of.

Ladybug - We were supposed to go and visit a friend today but I cancelled. Waited for a call from camp instead (which I got) so we hung out at home. We both crashed for a 2 hr nap which made a huge difference. It was fun to goof off with her. Her new favourite thing to do is to climb on the couch and then pretend she's sleeping. She makes snoring noises but keeps her eyes wide open. LOL

Jo - Thanks for the comment. Maybe you're right. I just don't know how to go about doing it. I'm trying to find an experienced babysitter that I can call on when I need to in the evenings. Maybe that will give me more piece of mind? I don't know. Sometimes it seems like an uphill battle, other times it seems like a breeze. Regardless, we must do an ice cream run soon. xo

Update on Geneva - Had a good meeting with Superman's social worker. Love her. She's so great and we really hit it off. I've got lots of phone numbers and websites to look into for services. Superman is on the waitlist for behaviour management services at Geneva but she gave me some ideas of other places to try in the meantime. I also signed him up for social skills classes. He'll go through the screening test in January.

Still no report from the hospital. It was supposed to be here by the middle of June. Then I called several times and never got a call back. Finally talked to someone on August 1 who said that Superman's doctor was on vacation until September and no one was covering for her. Uhm...pitched a huge fit at that! Then the Dr. called me from home to say it would be mailed on the 2nd. Didn't arrive so I called them on the 11th and was told that it was mailed on the 9th. And here it is, the 15th and still no report.



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