My Little Corner of the World

Thoughts on raising and homeschooling a special needs child who has Aspergers, Tourettes, and ADHD. The life of a domestic goddess. Documenting the life of Superman (11 yrs) and Ladybug (4 yrs).

Monday, November 05, 2007

We're *this* close...

Ms. B (the principal) called me today to talk about some programming changes for Superman. The Behavioural team observed on Friday and came back with some reccommendations that the school has put into place. One of them being that every hour Superman is given a sensory activity to do and they constantly change what it is so that he's stimulated and his sensory needs are met before he actually has such a strong craving for them. They also said that he really needs to be in school full time and that he's capable of it. So that is very encouraging.

Today the second EA (Ms. S) started her one on one time with him. Ms. D has him from 9-11am and Ms. S has him from 11am-1pm. It went very, very well! Ms. D check in on them several times which Superman really liked and he thoroughly enjoyed Ms. S. The great news is that we definitely have her until the end of the year so I feel like I can stop holding my breath. She really does enjoy the boys and Spencer took to her just as well as he did with Ms. D. So that is extremely encouraging!

So the new plan is that starting next week Superman will go full time. I will still pick him up at 1pm for lunch like I always do. Bring him home so he can eat, have some time to play outside and then bring him back when the lunch hour has ended and he'll complete the rest of the day.

For him, this is fabulous news. I think breaking up the day will be positive for him. For me, it's going to be chaos because Ladybug naps from 1:15-3:00pm and she really needs her nap. She's still so little. But with all the driving it just isn't going to happen. I pick him up at 1pm, get home 15 mins later and we have 30 mins to eat and play then it's back to school for 2pm. Get home at 2:15pm. Ladybug and I have 45 mins before it's time to drive back because I have to be at the school 15 mins before pick up time if I want to get a parking spot. So I'm not sure how we'll make it work with Ladybug but we don't really have much of a choice. She may end up getting catnaps here and there every time we're in the van.

Tomorrow afternoon is my meeting with J and then I'm off to Geneva for a course on sexuality and Adolescents with Autism. Busy day ahead!!


Blogger The J said...

Ah, why does great news always have a "but"?! How exciting that S gets to go full time - I bet he's over the moon!! So far the only thing I can come up with for Ladybug is perhaps leaving her in the van to nap once you get home? Not that she'll want to with Superman home for lunch, but maybe if she's tired enough than she can get some sleep while S has lunch, and not have to be woken up when you drive him back again. I have no idea what the safety police will say about leaving a child sleeping in a vehicle though... And it's getting cold now. Crap. Sigh.

Geneva? As in Switzerland?? How cool is that?!

9:40 AM  

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